Monday, August 17, 2009

BA, Veces Numero Uno

Just arrived in Buenos Aires (for the first time), only to fly right back to Santiago. I have two sweet Entrada and Salida stamps in my passport to prove it. I was surprised that they stamp the passport upon departure as well…not quite as common elsewhere. We’ll see what Chile has in store when I get there tonight. I originally thought 2 hours would be pushing it to catch the 6pm flight, so I booked the only flight after that, at 10pm. And now here I am, 5pm, checked in, and settling in for my next 6-hour layover. I thought about trying to catch an earlier flight, but of course this brilliant idea comes to my mind AFTER my bag is rechecked. Oh well, I have a car service waiting when I get there, hooray for silver linings and no sketchy cabs. One thing I don’t miss about other countries, the bombardment of “taxi services” being offered as you leave the airport. Legit car services or remises and radio taxis are the way to go.

Another thing about the airports down here is Duty Free everything. Now I’ve been through my share of international terminals, but EZE (Buenos Aires) is ridiculous. You MUST pass through massive duty free shops to get anywhere in the airport – from immigration to baggage claim, security to the terminal, and even mid-terminal, where the hallway itself passes through the duty free shop. That’s the way the exit is, like in attractions where you have to go through the gift shop to exit at all. Each shop is clad with any vice and luxury you can (legally) possess, as well as girls clad in tiny golden dresses with 4-inch heels. Welcome back to Miami. Ugh. Otherwise, EZE is not as nice as other airports, but you’d never know stepping into the duty free shop. It really is like night and day. I mean, girls in golden hooker dresses hawking cigars to dirty metal benches. Logical progression.

There was also a very fashionable group of Chilean girls on my flight from Santiago to Buenos Aires. It was a complete giggle fest en espanol, but it was interesting to listen and to see what they were wearing (as I’m still in workout pants for my 27-hour travel extravaganza). I am completely surprised to see pearls on every young woman over the age of 18. Of course I left all mine, real and fake, at home, so I wouldn’t be a target for theft. The only ones I have are the gray fakes in my ears now. Perhaps I’ll wear them around Palermo, while saving the fun, colorful plastics for volunteering, or simply go without on those days (even though I feel naked without!). As for the boots I’ve heard so much about, every woman down here is wearing either some form of boots with tucked-in skinny jeans, or sporty tennis shoes, “fashion sneakers,” as I like to call them. Good call on the Merrells everyone! I love them anyways, but style and function is always a plus. As for the boots, I’m still on the fence as to what kind I’ll end up with. There’s a lot of slouchy boots, which I haven’t exactly warmed up to yet. But who knows, it took years to get me into my riding boots and one pair of skinny jeans, so we’ll see how this progresses once I get back to BA and have room for new clothes!

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