Wednesday, September 23, 2009

2nd to last day...

Today, yet again, I planned to visit the Recoleta Cemetery before work, and of course, sleep won. I slept in for THREE hours and ended up having to rush to meet the girls to take the cumvi (van) to La Matanza. I usually leave myself an hour to walk from my apartment to Plaza Miserere in Once, but I got there in 45 minutes today by cutting out the window shopping on Avenida Paso. Despite my being late, I was super excited for another trip to the Parilla La Familia before work! This parilla (traditional grill or asado-type restaurant) is as authentic as you can get. The 3 chefs cook every kind of meat imaginable on a large, outdoor grill that is made from an old metal door. It’s one of those neighborhood venues that is always filled with old men and blue-collar workers on lunch break, and there’s never a female patron in sight. I got some great pictures of the girls, some randos who wanted their picture taken, and of the 3 chefs in front of their grill. I looked liked a huge goober, but I didn’t want to forget the parilla and the delicious churipan!

We continued on to La Juanita for a pretty normal and uneventful day. I grabbed a last alfajor (cookies with dulce de leche in between) from the panderia…my stomach thanks me for stopping with the dulce de leche! I’ll have to bring my alfajor-making skills to the states now, I guess.

After work, I had to make a special errand to a part of town that I hadn’t really included as something I HAD to see, and I’m so glad I did. My errand took me to an area called Puerto Madero, which used to be the main port for the city until port operations moved to La Boca. I had no clue how cute this area is! I was expecting an old port area, not brand-spanking new skyscrapers and cute little shops and restaurants. To get there, I also had to walk from Plaza de Mayo, where the cumvi dropped us off, through San Telmo. I also hadn’t really planned to walk through San Telmo much, but it has so much character! It’s a nice place to just stroll and people watch. I was so grateful that this errand took me through these neighborhoods, because I wouldn’t have known them otherwise. BsAs really is an amazing city, it’s just so BIG! Too much to see and too little time. My favorite is still Palermo, my home in the city!

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